Field studies informing ship's bridge design at the ocean industries concept lab.
Original version
Ukjent, Ukjent [Eds.] Human factors in ship design and operation : 26-27 February 2014, London, UK, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 2014Abstract
In this paper we discuss the use of field research in multidisciplinary design processes when designing the ship's bridge of offshore service vessels. From carrying out ten field studies at sea over a three year period we have gained considerable insight into the role which field research may play in design projects for the offshore ship industry. We have found that allowing the designers to experience the onboard environment first hand is vital when designing for such a complex domain. Building on the experience we have gained, we have developed a model for design-driven field research relevant for these kinds of design projects. Our model encourages designers to engage in design reflection while in the field. This we believe is particularly important when designing for use situations unfamiliar to most designers, like a ship's bridge.