Browsing ADORA by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 902
Architecture and rhetoric : text and design in architectural competitions, Oslo 1939-90
(Doctoral thesis, 1996) -
Drawing and Spatial Representations
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 2, Doctoral thesis, 2000)The aim of this thesis is to contribute new knowledge as a basis from which to discuss the development of and justification for art education in the compulsory school. The experienced drawing curriculum in compulsory school ... -
Genuine Christian Modern Art : Present Roman Catholic Directives on Visual Art Seen from an Artist’s Perspective
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;3, Doctoral thesis, 2000)The Professional Problem of the Artist The professional problem of artists who want to produce art for Christian use is to find artistic solutions that may satisfy both patron and artist. To succeed, the artist needs to ... -
Trekirkene før stavkirkene : en undersøkelse av planlegging og design av kirker før ca år 1100
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;6, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2001)Undersøkelsen er et bidrag til forståelsen av oppgaven byggerne sto overfor ved reisning av de tidligere trekirkene i Norge og hvordan de løste dette oppdraget. Forskere har gjennom mer enn 160 år lagt frem opphavsteorier ... -
Barn og omgivelser : virkelighet med flere fortolkninger
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;8, Doctoral thesis, 2002)Et generelt endret syn på barns samfunnsmessige posisjon mot slutten av det 20. århundre er blant annet konstituert gjennom FN's barnekonvensjon og norsk lovgivning. Det er én bakgrunn for studien. Relatert til denne finnes ... -
On Sacred Architecture and the Dzongs of Bhutan. Tradition and Transition in the Architectural History of the Himalayas
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;13, Doctoral thesis, 2003)This thesis contributes with new insight and knowledge on the architectural traditions in Bhutan and the Himalayas, and also discusses questions relevant to architectural theory and history. In Bhutan the traditional society ... -
Bitvis byutvikling : møte mellom privat eiendomsutvikling og offentlig byplanlegging
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;17, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed; Book, 2005)Denne avhandlingen har en målsetting om å være relevant for den praksis som skjer i møtet mellom den offentlige byplanleggingen og den private eiendomsutviklingen. Det betyr at jeg ønskes at avhandlingnen kan leses av ... -
Developing Digital Design Techniques: Investigations on creative design computing
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;20, Doctoral thesis, 2005) -
Apartment layouts and domestic life : the interior space and its usability : a study of Norwegian apartments built in the period 1930-2005
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;26, Doctoral thesis, 2006)The background for this study is Norwegian housing where floor plans of new apartments seem to differ significantly from what previously has been built as well as from what architects have considered good quality. The study ... -
Room for children's participation?: reflections on communicative practice in an educational context
(CON-TEXT;Thesis; 31, Doctoral thesis, 2007)The thesis title asks if there is room for children to participate in matters concerning the built environment. The concept "room" in the title, has three different meanings; the physical room referring to the public place ... -
Brødre og søstre i arkitekturen : ingeniøroffiserer og sivilarkitekter i Norge rundt 1800
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;nr. 32, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed; Book, 2008)Historien om det moderne Norge. Målet for dette arbeidet er å gi en fremstilling av den gryende profesjonsdannelsen innen arkitektfaget, slik den utspant seg i vårt land tidlig på 1800-tallet. Det var ikke slik at ikke ... -
Metaforbasert tegning : undersøkt som et bildespråksystem gjennom avistegninger av Finn Graff og Saul Steinberg med kognitiv metaforteori som hovedredskap
(CON-TEXT. Avhandling;35, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2008)Avhandlingen har to mål. Det ene er praktisk pedagogisk: Å bidra med ny kunnskap om hvordan man kan formulere abstrakte temaer med tegning. Til dette trenger man metaforer og symboler. Det andre målet er teoribyggende: Å ... -
Mellom ord og handling: om verdsetjing i kunst og handverksfaget
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;41, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)Med ein case frå norsk allmennlærarutdanning som kjeldegrunnlag, gjev denne avhandlinga innsikt i korleis lærarar og studentar verdset ulike sider ved den skapande verksemda, og korleis desse verdsetjingane vert konstruerte ... -
Den kulturelle skulesekken : narratives and myths of educational practice in DKS projects within the subject art and crafts
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;38, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)In 1995, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs released a plan of action for aesthetical subjects and culture in compulsory education (Kulturdepartementet and KUF (Kirke- ... -
Getting Going - Research by Design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Research by Design is the theme of this first special guest edited issue of FORMakademisk. In this issue we look into a growing domain of design research that takes up relations between practice and theory that are pertinent ... -
Discussions and movements in design research : a systems approach to practice research in design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The main approach of this paper is to look at design research from a systems-oriented perspective. This implies that design research is understood as a dynamic and emergent field of interrelated or contradicting thoughts, ... -
Performance-oriented architecture : towards a biological paradigm for architectural design and the built environment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This paper introduces and elaborates a specific approach to architectural design entitled ‘performance-oriented architecture’ based on a redefinition of the concept of ‘performance’ in relation to the discipline of ... -
Designing performativity for mixed reality installations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This article takes up the concept of performativity prevalent in the humanities and applies it to the design of installation arts in mixed reality mode. Based on the design, development and public access to two specific ... -
Designing tangible interaction using short-range RFID
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Short-range Radio Frequency IDentification (SR-RFID) technology embedded in mobile phones offers interaction design practitioners the potential to design new forms of mobile experiences. The article presents a design ... -
Depth of field : discursive design research through film
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This article is about the role of film in interaction and product design research with technology, and the use of film in exploring and explaining emerging technologies in multiple contexts. We have engaged in a ...