dc.description | Clear is an exploration of how Service Design can be used in the public sector to generate awareness and trigger action regarding environmental topics – in this particular case, air pollution. It is also an exploration of how Systems Oriented Design can help designers to maximize the positive effects of their proposals in the face of complex societal challenges. Air pollution is a sad side effect of carbon-based industrialization. The more industrial activity and growth around the world, the more air pollution. Studies on the adverse effects on health of bad air quality are beginning to surface and the news are not good: some authorities are calling this an global epidemic. This is also true regarding Norway. Big cities in the country have to deal with the effects of growth. But what appears to be clear and obvious, for a big part of the population is still out of sight. Trying to remediate the situation, Miljødirektoratet has engaged in several efforts to spread awareness of the data about air quality, hoping this data would trigger some sort of behaviour change in citizens. But the scenario is very complex, the data is not contextualized and people already have a lot of worries. Air quality maybe is just another one of them. How to reach them, fulfi l Miljødirektoratet’s mandate | nb_NO |