dc.description | Out of investigating a site and a community, a building was born. It is an extension to the public spaces of the town, an inhabited threshold between the land and the sea, framing the one and the other.
A threshold can be both a physical and a mental space, constructed with both physical and metal elements. Threshold is about the boundary and extending it, living the boundary. It is, however, not only about the boundary, but about something larger; it is about the spaces and qualities that are collected, concurrently, in apposition. Threshold brings together opposites and contradictions, expanding them both. It is looking for the boundaries that are perhaps non-existent.
In this way, a threshold is an exciting and special gesture with compelling aptitude. It is a blank space that has the potential into becoming something larger. In threshold, there is a potential to otherness, something else, becoming. It is the in-between; the inside-outside; the both-and. It is about being simultaneously here and there, somewhere.
The building, a space for the community, borrows its basics from its cultural situation and surroundings. Under a generous roof, there are two spaces, sharing a slab. The space underneath is an open space. It is leaking horizontally and in constant dialogue with its surroundings.
Through different ways of movement and pause, one is invited to upstairs, a space with two directions. The lifted space is perhaps more defined, yet it too allows iterations to happen. Therefore, the structure, by accommodating spaces for events, starts to act as a threshold between individual citizens and the collective. | en_US |