Decide to age in Norway
Immigrant elderly in Norway encounter healthcare access challenges due to language and cultural barriers, leading to ineffective communication with service providers and inadequate care. Additionally, institutions lack cultural sensitivity, hindering integration and comfort within the healthcare system.
My service concept revolves around culture mediators who assume a vital role in mediating the needs of elderly individuals and institutions. As communication bridges, culture mediators can facilitate elderly individuals in expressing their needs more effectively, while also enabling institutions to comprehend their needs better and enhance their services to promote cultural inclusivity.
C-Med is an innovative application designed to help immigrant families locate and connect with services that meet their cultural needs within their community. With C-Med, users can access information about culture mediators and their experience and expertise, enabling them to choose suitable culture mediator based on their specific institutional, cultural, and social needs. Users can submit requests, and culture mediators will assist them in negotiating their needs with relevant institutions.
In a macro level, culture mediators can help establish a diverse community network, enabling immigrant elderly to connect and support each other. This not only enhances their social skills and reduces loneliness, but also improves their ability to advocate for their group's interests.
Cultural mediators can also form a network of service providers, facilitating collaboration between different institutions and cultural mediators. This network can provide an effective platform to work together and address the issues. Additionally, the collaboration platform can facilitate better information sharing and resource integration, allowing cultural mediators and institutions to better understand each other's services and expertise, exchange experiences and information, and ultimately improve service quality and efficiency. Through this approach, the service ecosystem for immigrant communities can continue to expand, providing more comprehensive, high-quality, and targeted services for elderly immigrants.
3. Transformation
Furthermore, culture mediators can support the transformation of local institutions to meet evolving needs and diverse cultural backgrounds of the elderly. They provide cultural consultation, training, and communication support to facilitate cultural transformation and diversified services. This enhances service quality and improves the quality of life for the elderly while promoting the development of local elderly service industries.