Cultural similarities and diversities of corporate art and architecture in Norway, USA, Japan and France : an exploratory and comparative study on corporate art collections and the architecture of corporate headquarters
In this PhD-thesis I examine cultural similarities and diversities in corporate art collections and headquarters architecture in Norway, USA, Japan and France. From the perspective of the flâneur; I discuss, analyzes and compares the visual appearance of art collections and headquarters architecture. From the perspective of the business; I discuss, analyzes and compares the objectives of corporations to collect art and to emphasize the architecture of their headquarters. Finally, from the perspective of culture; I discuss cultural features and mentalities of the included nationalities, and analyze the findings in the perspectives of the flâneur and the business in light of culture. In my theoretical discussions that are mainly based on Sociology and Art and Architectural history, I first discuss visual art and architecture in general, related to particular qualities of art collections and headquarters architecture, which also make the basis for comparable categories used in my analysis and comparisons of the included art collections and headquarters architecture. Some of these qualities were explored during a pilot study in Norwegian corporations, while others are based on theory. Totally I examine 12 art collections and 12 headquarters in Norway, USA, Japan and France. The theoretical discussions and empirical analysis reveal several interesting patterns that may be related to cultural similarities and diversities of the included countries. However, this study is too limited to be generalized and the findings are not valid for “all” corporate collections and headquarters in the included countries. Still the findings reveal interesting features of the included corporations, time periods and cultures, as well as they are proposing interesting themes for further research and for building theories and hypothesis within the field, which are also important aims for the thesis.
Photographs of visual art and
from Internet sources are removed
in accordance with copyright restrictions.
(Except some art decorations integrated
in architecture exteriors).