PhD: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 86
Facilitating regeneration through methodological pluralism
(CON-TEXT;130, Doctoral thesis, 2025-02)To address the root causes of today’s urgent social-ecological crises, there is a need to transform globally dominant reductionist worldviews to those that support regeneration: holistic, process-oriented and interconnected, ... -
The Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritage
(CON-TEXT;129, Doctoral thesis, 2024)‘All the [houses] I have lived in sit in my ribcage with faces like beggars I dream my postmortem Unzip my skin & ask each [house], what are you: a mother, a sculptor, a motionless meadow? (From ‘Yard’ by Caleb ... -
Architecture at the Building Site Challenging the Separation between Design and Construction
(CON-TEXT;128, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This thesis makes the case for an architecture that emerges through the process of construction. The research investigates how, within the context of industrialised England from 1830 to 1980, the historic separation between ... -
Deep landscape
(CON-TEXT;127, Doctoral thesis, 2024-05)We know very little about what is under our feet. We are used to the sight of manhole covers punctuating the streets around us, and we know that they provide access to the subterranean water system. But where does that ... -
A Landscape Approach. Reading a Geographic Context Through Multiple Dimensions: The Case of the Hexi Corridor Region in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province
(CON-TEXT;125, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Long-term processes of socio-environmental transformation have severely degraded entire world regions, leading to pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. In this planetary context, the thesis develops a ... -
Cultivating Serendipity in Design Complexity. Exploring Designs of Augmented Reality Technologies for Ship Bridges
(CON-TEXT 126, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Designing augmented reality (AR) systems for ship bridges poses intricate challenges for interaction designers due to the unique complexities involved in working with this novel interaction material in a dynamic and ... -
(CON-TEXT;124, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Following the digital turn of the 1990s, architectural practices moved into a digital world, a development that was further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this shift from analogue to digital there is a risk of ... -
Soiling Service Design: Situating professional designing among plural practices
(CON-TEXT;123, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Since the 1990s, professional service design knowledge has travelled globally, detached from its larger Western history and contexts. The proliferation of service design knowledge shapes how individual designers enact their ... -
On Sacred Architecture and the Dzongs of Bhutan. Tradition and Transition in the Architectural History of the Himalayas
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;13, Doctoral thesis, 2003)This thesis contributes with new insight and knowledge on the architectural traditions in Bhutan and the Himalayas, and also discusses questions relevant to architectural theory and history. In Bhutan the traditional society ... -
Speculating on design, life styles and forms : studies in the contexts of climate change sustainability
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis explores a speculative, nondualist and relational design approach to engaging with ongoing climate change and sustainable design transformations. Posthumanism, amongst other theories, has attempted to use ... -
Refuturing studies: rehumanizing futures through/by design
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;121, Doctoral thesis, 2023)With the onset of climate and ecological breakdown, organized human life faces a precarious present and an even bleaker future. The sixth IPCC report (2021-2022) states that the window for drastic climate action is closing ... -
Urban futures in the north : a collective imagination of an arctic borderland
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;120, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This dissertation is a cultural landscape mapping project, merging ethnography with urban planning and design to provide robust and relevant contextual data to inform those interested in a socially mediated urban future ... -
The Banwan Project, From Experiment to Model?
(CON-TEXT; PhD thesis;119, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Rural policies are given priority in China, and governmental and regional funding is allocated to the countryside. Chinese villages are being transformed as a partof the urbanization and modernization process as societies, ... -
Tempo-materialities : encounters with time along Arctic island coasts
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;118, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Time is at the heart of this doctoral research which engages with the Arctic island coasts of Jan Mayen, Bjørnøya and Hopen. As a means to work with different dimensions and scales of time along these coasts, I have chosen ... -
Factory-made : the everyday architecture of Moelven brug, 1955-1973
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;117, Doctoral thesis, 2022)While architectural histories of post-war Norway tend to focus on the work of select signature architects, the role of construction companies and industrial producers in shaping the built environment has remained largely ... -
Å reise noe nytt og bedre : om arkitektur og politikk 1935–1940
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;116, Doctoral thesis, 2022)En politisk bevegelse med vilje til å forandre samfunnet, en velferdsstat på skissestadiet og en gruppe arkitekter i rollen som det nye samfunnets formgivere. Det er dette denne avhandlingen handler om. I 1935 dannet ... -
Becoming with Architecture
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 115, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Becoming with Architecture: Making the abstracted space through works and words Can spatial structure and material properties have capacity to radiate and intertwine in an architectural space? How can this radiant ... -
Inside Healthcare Design Labs : Exploring the practice of healthcare service design in the context of embedded service design labs
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;114, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Over the past two decades there has been a rise in using service design within healthcare and service design has been identified as particularly appropriate to support adaptations and innovations in the healthcare context ... -
Urban Habitat Transformation and the African Middle Class The Case of Kileleshwa, Nairobi, Kenya
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;113, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The subject of urban transformation in cities generally and in those of the global south in particular is a significant matter that requires to be understood and where possible, guide policy. The forecasting of rapid growth ... -
Timber Tales : A Qualitative Study of Timber Materiality in Housing Projects
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;112, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This qualitative study addresses how architects and residents employ, experience and value wooden building materials in housing projects, arguing that buildings that are loved last longer and thus contribute to both ...