Browsing PhD by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 85
Apartment layouts and domestic life : the interior space and its usability : a study of Norwegian apartments built in the period 1930-2005
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;26, Doctoral thesis, 2006)The background for this study is Norwegian housing where floor plans of new apartments seem to differ significantly from what previously has been built as well as from what architects have considered good quality. The study ... -
Architecture and rhetoric : text and design in architectural competitions, Oslo 1939-90
(Doctoral thesis, 1996) -
Architecture at the Building Site Challenging the Separation between Design and Construction
(CON-TEXT;128, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This thesis makes the case for an architecture that emerges through the process of construction. The research investigates how, within the context of industrialised England from 1830 to 1980, the historic separation between ... -
The Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritage
(CON-TEXT;129, Doctoral thesis, 2024)‘All the [houses] I have lived in sit in my ribcage with faces like beggars I dream my postmortem Unzip my skin & ask each [house], what are you: a mother, a sculptor, a motionless meadow? (From ‘Yard’ by Caleb ... -
Arkitekter i emning : profesjonsforståelser og brukerperspektiver i norsk arkitektutdanning 2009–2012
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;85, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Avhandlingen er en kvalitativ undersøkelse av norsk arkitektutdanning sett i et samfunnsrelatert perspektiv. Prosjektet undersøker hvilke former for profesjonsforståelse man kan finne i dagens arkitektutdanning, og hvordan ... -
Autentisitetens relevans : på sporet av et endret fokus for kulturminnevernet
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 69, Peer reviewed; Doctoral thesis, 2014)I avhandlingen brukes rekonstruksjoner av kulturminner som optikk til å undersøke relevansen av materiell autentisitet. Ved å sammenlikne verdien av noen nyere rekonstruksjoner med verdien av deres forlegg, søkes en ... -
The Banwan Project, From Experiment to Model?
(CON-TEXT; PhD thesis;119, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Rural policies are given priority in China, and governmental and regional funding is allocated to the countryside. Chinese villages are being transformed as a partof the urbanization and modernization process as societies, ... -
Barn og omgivelser : virkelighet med flere fortolkninger
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;8, Doctoral thesis, 2002)Et generelt endret syn på barns samfunnsmessige posisjon mot slutten av det 20. århundre er blant annet konstituert gjennom FN's barnekonvensjon og norsk lovgivning. Det er én bakgrunn for studien. Relatert til denne finnes ... -
Becoming with Architecture
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 115, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Becoming with Architecture: Making the abstracted space through works and words Can spatial structure and material properties have capacity to radiate and intertwine in an architectural space? How can this radiant ... -
Between the tag and the screen : redesigning short-range RFID as design material
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;49, Book; Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2011)Industrial and interaction designers are increasingly faced with new computational technologies that may be used as materials in designing. Such materials are important in design practices because they offer conditions for ... -
Bislettbekken og byens fysiognomi : Kristianiaprovisorier omkring 1900
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 104, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Bitvis byutvikling : møte mellom privat eiendomsutvikling og offentlig byplanlegging
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;17, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed; Book, 2005)Denne avhandlingen har en målsetting om å være relevant for den praksis som skjer i møtet mellom den offentlige byplanleggingen og den private eiendomsutviklingen. Det betyr at jeg ønskes at avhandlingnen kan leses av ... -
Boredom as space : episodes of modern architecture
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;88, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Boredom is both cause and effect of the cycle of innovation — the disaffection with the old drives the search for the new and promotes mechanisms of transgression that encourage experimentation. Due to its relational and ... -
Brødre og søstre i arkitekturen : ingeniøroffiserer og sivilarkitekter i Norge rundt 1800
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;nr. 32, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed; Book, 2008)Historien om det moderne Norge. Målet for dette arbeidet er å gi en fremstilling av den gryende profesjonsdannelsen innen arkitektfaget, slik den utspant seg i vårt land tidlig på 1800-tallet. Det var ikke slik at ikke ... -
Coffee and the city : towards a soft urbanity
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;45, Doctoral thesis, 2010)This dissertation is about coffee bars. In it I ask how and why they have emerged in the urban sphere, how they function and how they may be interpreted as indicators of structural changes on a societal level. To put it ... -
Communicating movement : full-body movement as a design material for digital interaction
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;67, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014)Today, our movements are increasingly informed and influenced, shifted and shaped by a digitised environment. The aim of this thesis has been to explore and present a creative potential in conceptualising full-body movement ... -
Cultivating Serendipity in Design Complexity. Exploring Designs of Augmented Reality Technologies for Ship Bridges
(CON-TEXT 126, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Designing augmented reality (AR) systems for ship bridges poses intricate challenges for interaction designers due to the unique complexities involved in working with this novel interaction material in a dynamic and ... -
Cultural similarities and diversities of corporate art and architecture in Norway, USA, Japan and France : an exploratory and comparative study on corporate art collections and the architecture of corporate headquarters
(CON-TEXT, PhD thesis;51, Doctoral thesis, 2011)In this PhD-thesis I examine cultural similarities and diversities in corporate art collections and headquarters architecture in Norway, USA, Japan and France. From the perspective of the flâneur; I discuss, analyzes and ... -
Deep landscape
(CON-TEXT;127, Doctoral thesis, 2024-05)We know very little about what is under our feet. We are used to the sight of manhole covers punctuating the streets around us, and we know that they provide access to the subterranean water system. But where does that ... -
Design support at the front end of the New Service Development (NSD) process : the role of touch-points and service personality in supporting team work and innovation processes
(CON-TEXT / Thesis ; 55, Doctoral thesis, 2013)This thesis explores the first stages of New Service Development, and focuses upon the role that design can play to improve the innovation performance of a development team. The work took a ”research by design” approach, ...