Browsing Doktoravhandlinger / Doctoral theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Room for children's participation?: reflections on communicative practice in an educational context
(CON-TEXT;Thesis; 31, Doctoral thesis, 2007)The thesis title asks if there is room for children to participate in matters concerning the built environment. The concept "room" in the title, has three different meanings; the physical room referring to the public place ... -
Mellom ord og handling: om verdsetjing i kunst og handverksfaget
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;41, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)Med ein case frå norsk allmennlærarutdanning som kjeldegrunnlag, gjev denne avhandlinga innsikt i korleis lærarar og studentar verdset ulike sider ved den skapande verksemda, og korleis desse verdsetjingane vert konstruerte ... -
Den kulturelle skulesekken : narratives and myths of educational practice in DKS projects within the subject art and crafts
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;38, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)In 1995, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs released a plan of action for aesthetical subjects and culture in compulsory education (Kulturdepartementet and KUF (Kirke- ... -
Autentisitetens relevans : på sporet av et endret fokus for kulturminnevernet
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 69, Peer reviewed; Doctoral thesis, 2014)I avhandlingen brukes rekonstruksjoner av kulturminner som optikk til å undersøke relevansen av materiell autentisitet. Ved å sammenlikne verdien av noen nyere rekonstruksjoner med verdien av deres forlegg, søkes en ... -
Groruddalen; Oslos vakreste verkebyll? : problemrepresentasjoner og stedsforståelser i Groruddalssatsingen
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 70, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014)Avhandlingen handler om stedsforståelsens betydning for utformingen av en områdepolitikk, og områdepolitikkens betydning for stedsforståelsen. Caset er Groruddalssatsningen, en områdebasert innsats i det som regnes som et ... -
Uncovering the urban unknown: Mapping methods in popular settlements in Nairobi
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;68, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Making visible : mediating the material of emerging technology
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 66, Doctoral thesis, 2014)In this thesis I outline how interaction design may engage in the exploration and understandings the material and mediation of new interface technologies. Drawing upon a design project called Touch, that investigated an ... -
Fra uro til utvikling : universell utforming som linse for studiet av arkitektpraksis som læringsarena
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;93, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Med et forskningsmateriale fra intervjuer og feltarbeid undersøker jeg i denne avhandlingen arkitekters handlinger og holdninger i møtet med strengere krav til universell utforming under prosjektering av kulturbygg. Jeg ... -
Inhabiting the architectural envelope : a design-based research on redefining the climatic and atmospheric performances of architectural envelope
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 103, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Contemporary facades commonly emphasize the separation of architecture from its local context by positioning them as support zones for various optimization demands or technical requirements. This dissertation rethinks the ... -
Service design in the later phases : exploring user insights, handovers, and service design roadmapping in the transition from service concept to implemented service
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 101, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Human-centricity and user involvement have become increasingly emphasized in Norwegian legislation related to service development in the health and public sectors. At the same time, service design has emerged as a relevant ... -
The Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritage
(CON-TEXT;129, Doctoral thesis, 2024)‘All the [houses] I have lived in sit in my ribcage with faces like beggars I dream my postmortem Unzip my skin & ask each [house], what are you: a mother, a sculptor, a motionless meadow? (From ‘Yard’ by Caleb ...