Browsing PhD by Title
Now showing items 67-86 of 86
Tegneskolen i Christiania : en nasjonal arkitekturutdannelse tar form
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;92, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Tegneskolen i Christiania ble opprettet i 1818 og inngår i dag i Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Ved Tegneskolens grunnleggelse var det ønske om at skolen skulle bli et norsk kunstakademi etter europeisk modell, en norsk skole for ... -
Tempo-materialities : encounters with time along Arctic island coasts
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;118, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Time is at the heart of this doctoral research which engages with the Arctic island coasts of Jan Mayen, Bjørnøya and Hopen. As a means to work with different dimensions and scales of time along these coasts, I have chosen ... -
The Architecture of the Urban Project
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 80, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-04)“The Architecture of the Urban Project” is about large-scale architecture in Norway. Projects that potentially fall into this category are those that blur the distinction between the city and the building, more specifically ... -
The Construction of an exhibition within architecture culture deconstructivist architecture, The Museum of Modern Art, 1988
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;79, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)The 1988 Deconstructivist Architecture exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, curated by Philip Johnson and Mark Wigley, was a minor exhibition that forced architecture to change directions. The tenweek exhibition ... -
The magazine and the city : architecture, urban life and the illustrated press in nineteenth-century Christiania
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;94, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Focusing on two illustrated periodicals, Skilling-Magazin (1835-1891) and Illustreret Nyhedsblad (1851-1866), the dissertation explores the relationships between the city and the magazine from two perspectives, investigating ... -
Timber Tales : A Qualitative Study of Timber Materiality in Housing Projects
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;112, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This qualitative study addresses how architects and residents employ, experience and value wooden building materials in housing projects, arguing that buildings that are loved last longer and thus contribute to both ... -
Towards a generative design system based on evolutionary computing
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;59, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014-06-02)This thesis proposes elements and principles for a digital generative design system, which involves Evolutionary Computing. The functioning of the system is based on an analogy between a design process and a process of ... -
Trans-alpine landscapes : Transecting a Chinese high mountain in transition
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;108, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The dissertation Trans-alpine Landscapes explores the changing landscapes of a high mountain in China affected by ongoing urbanization. Mount Gongga, the highest mountain of the Hengduan mountainous regions in Southwest ... -
Transformation of Kikuyu traditional architecture : case study of homesteads in lower Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri, Kenya
(CON-TEXT / Thesis ; 62, Doctoral thesis, 2013)This thesis brings together the diverse documentation of Kikuyu traditional architecture written within a span of approximately one hundred years from 1910 to the present. It traces the transformation of Kikuyu traditional ... -
Transforming public organizations into co-designing cultures : a study of capacity-building programs as learning ecosystems
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis ; 100, Doctoral thesis, 2020)When designers try to create lasting change in the public sector, their aim is not only to co-design meaningful new or improved services, but also to embed the capacity – rather than dependency – of co-design into the ... -
Trekirkene før stavkirkene : en undersøkelse av planlegging og design av kirker før ca år 1100
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;6, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2001)Undersøkelsen er et bidrag til forståelsen av oppgaven byggerne sto overfor ved reisning av de tidligere trekirkene i Norge og hvordan de løste dette oppdraget. Forskere har gjennom mer enn 160 år lagt frem opphavsteorier ... -
Uncovering the urban unknown: Mapping methods in popular settlements in Nairobi
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;68, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Unpacking making : a product design critique on emergent uses of additive manufacturing
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;96, Doctoral thesis, 2019)In recent decades, designers have applied 3D printers as Rapid Prototyping (RP) tools for developing design ideas. Today, as technical capabilities are advancing, these tools are finding newfound uses within design practice ... -
Urban environments of the entrepreneurial city : from Aker Brygge to Tjuvholmen
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;84, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The focus of this thesis is the regeneration of industrial harbor and brownfield areas to properties primed for urban development along the urban waterfront of Oslo, Norway. The project revolves around an empirical study ... -
Urban form through residents' practices : the unconventional transformation processes in suburban areas in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;60, Doctoral thesis, 2013) -
Urban futures in the north : a collective imagination of an arctic borderland
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;120, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This dissertation is a cultural landscape mapping project, merging ethnography with urban planning and design to provide robust and relevant contextual data to inform those interested in a socially mediated urban future ... -
Urban Habitat Transformation and the African Middle Class The Case of Kileleshwa, Nairobi, Kenya
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;113, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The subject of urban transformation in cities generally and in those of the global south in particular is a significant matter that requires to be understood and where possible, guide policy. The forecasting of rapid growth ... -
Verk og vilkår : Christian Norberg-Schulz’ stedsteori i et arkitekturfilosofisk perspektiv
(CON-TEXT / Avhandling;nr. 30, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed; Book, 2011) -
Virtual touch : a study of the use and experience of touch in artistic, multimodal and computer-based environments
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;44, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2011)The central focus of this thesis is the use and experience of touch in artistic, multimodal and computer-based environments. The haptic experience of touch is an area that has only received limited research-based interest. ... -
Å reise noe nytt og bedre : om arkitektur og politikk 1935–1940
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;116, Doctoral thesis, 2022)En politisk bevegelse med vilje til å forandre samfunnet, en velferdsstat på skissestadiet og en gruppe arkitekter i rollen som det nye samfunnets formgivere. Det er dette denne avhandlingen handler om. I 1935 dannet ...