Blar i PhD på tittel
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Facilitating regeneration through methodological pluralism
(CON-TEXT;130, Doctoral thesis, 2025-02)To address the root causes of today’s urgent social-ecological crises, there is a need to transform globally dominant reductionist worldviews to those that support regeneration: holistic, process-oriented and interconnected, ... -
Factory-made : the everyday architecture of Moelven brug, 1955-1973
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;117, Doctoral thesis, 2022)While architectural histories of post-war Norway tend to focus on the work of select signature architects, the role of construction companies and industrial producers in shaping the built environment has remained largely ... -
Fra uro til utvikling : universell utforming som linse for studiet av arkitektpraksis som læringsarena
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;93, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Med et forskningsmateriale fra intervjuer og feltarbeid undersøker jeg i denne avhandlingen arkitekters handlinger og holdninger i møtet med strengere krav til universell utforming under prosjektering av kulturbygg. Jeg ... -
Genuine Christian Modern Art : Present Roman Catholic Directives on Visual Art Seen from an Artist’s Perspective
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;3, Doctoral thesis, 2000)The Professional Problem of the Artist The professional problem of artists who want to produce art for Christian use is to find artistic solutions that may satisfy both patron and artist. To succeed, the artist needs to ... -
Groruddalen; Oslos vakreste verkebyll? : problemrepresentasjoner og stedsforståelser i Groruddalssatsingen
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 70, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014)Avhandlingen handler om stedsforståelsens betydning for utformingen av en områdepolitikk, og områdepolitikkens betydning for stedsforståelsen. Caset er Groruddalssatsningen, en områdebasert innsats i det som regnes som et ... -
Hello, Stranger? Urban Public Space between Interaction and Attraction
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;110, Doctoral thesis, 2021)A much-celebrated feature of urbanity, is peaceful face-to-face interaction among diverse strangers in public spaces. Such interaction has major civilizing effects, leading urban scholars argue. The rise in privately owned ... -
Human-centered, collaborative, field-driven ship design : implementing field studies for the design of ships in operation
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;98, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Current ship design processes have two main problems. First, the experiences of crew who operate ships are not included in the design process. This poses a problem because it limits the ability of ship designers to design ... -
Immaterial landscapes : formulating the intangible in northern landscapes
(CON-TEXT Phd thesis;86, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017)What is the space-shaping potential of immaterial entities? This thesis aspires to foreground the immaterial as a valuable domain of investigation and of design experimentation for the practice of landscape architecture. ... -
Immersion in mixed reality spaces
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;75, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2015)This thesis maps out the overlaps, synergies and forces at play when designing for optimal immersive experiences in responsive mixed reality spaces. The research is produced from the perspective of a practising interaction ... -
Improving the user experience of evidence : a design approach to evidence-informed health care
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;47, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed; Book, 2011)Systematic reviews are syntheses of the best available evidence on the effects of health care interventions. Cochrane Reviews are high quality reviews that can provide valuable information for clinicians and policy makers, ... -
Improvisation in tradition
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;28, Doctoral thesis, 2015-09-03)The concept of vernacular design allows for the understanding and appreciation of designs created without recourse to institutional qualifi cations in the fi eld of design. This thesis is based upon a study undertaken in ... -
Inhabiting the architectural envelope : a design-based research on redefining the climatic and atmospheric performances of architectural envelope
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 103, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Contemporary facades commonly emphasize the separation of architecture from its local context by positioning them as support zones for various optimization demands or technical requirements. This dissertation rethinks the ... -
Inside Healthcare Design Labs : Exploring the practice of healthcare service design in the context of embedded service design labs
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;114, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Over the past two decades there has been a rise in using service design within healthcare and service design has been identified as particularly appropriate to support adaptations and innovations in the healthcare context ... -
Den kulturelle skulesekken : narratives and myths of educational practice in DKS projects within the subject art and crafts
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;38, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)In 1995, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs released a plan of action for aesthetical subjects and culture in compulsory education (Kulturdepartementet and KUF (Kirke- ... -
A Landscape Approach. Reading a Geographic Context Through Multiple Dimensions: The Case of the Hexi Corridor Region in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province
(CON-TEXT;125, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Long-term processes of socio-environmental transformation have severely degraded entire world regions, leading to pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. In this planetary context, the thesis develops a ... -
Learning for future knowing now : investigating transformative pedagogic processes within a design faculty in a South African university of technology
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;102, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Design educators working in higher education institutions face the enduring challenge of translating creative design practice into pedagogy and curricula that prepare students for entry into the world of work. This not ... -
Making visible : mediating the material of emerging technology
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 66, Doctoral thesis, 2014)In this thesis I outline how interaction design may engage in the exploration and understandings the material and mediation of new interface technologies. Drawing upon a design project called Touch, that investigated an ... -
(CON-TEXT;124, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Following the digital turn of the 1990s, architectural practices moved into a digital world, a development that was further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this shift from analogue to digital there is a risk of ... -
Mellom ord og handling: om verdsetjing i kunst og handverksfaget
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;41, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)Med ein case frå norsk allmennlærarutdanning som kjeldegrunnlag, gjev denne avhandlinga innsikt i korleis lærarar og studentar verdset ulike sider ved den skapande verksemda, og korleis desse verdsetjingane vert konstruerte ... -
Metaforbasert tegning : undersøkt som et bildespråksystem gjennom avistegninger av Finn Graff og Saul Steinberg med kognitiv metaforteori som hovedredskap
(CON-TEXT. Avhandling;35, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2008)Avhandlingen har to mål. Det ene er praktisk pedagogisk: Å bidra med ny kunnskap om hvordan man kan formulere abstrakte temaer med tegning. Til dette trenger man metaforer og symboler. Det andre målet er teoribyggende: Å ...