Browsing PhD by Title
Now showing items 40-59 of 86
A Landscape Approach. Reading a Geographic Context Through Multiple Dimensions: The Case of the Hexi Corridor Region in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province
(CON-TEXT;125, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Long-term processes of socio-environmental transformation have severely degraded entire world regions, leading to pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. In this planetary context, the thesis develops a ... -
Learning for future knowing now : investigating transformative pedagogic processes within a design faculty in a South African university of technology
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;102, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Design educators working in higher education institutions face the enduring challenge of translating creative design practice into pedagogy and curricula that prepare students for entry into the world of work. This not ... -
Making visible : mediating the material of emerging technology
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 66, Doctoral thesis, 2014)In this thesis I outline how interaction design may engage in the exploration and understandings the material and mediation of new interface technologies. Drawing upon a design project called Touch, that investigated an ... -
(CON-TEXT;124, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Following the digital turn of the 1990s, architectural practices moved into a digital world, a development that was further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this shift from analogue to digital there is a risk of ... -
Mellom ord og handling: om verdsetjing i kunst og handverksfaget
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;41, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009)Med ein case frå norsk allmennlærarutdanning som kjeldegrunnlag, gjev denne avhandlinga innsikt i korleis lærarar og studentar verdset ulike sider ved den skapande verksemda, og korleis desse verdsetjingane vert konstruerte ... -
Metaforbasert tegning : undersøkt som et bildespråksystem gjennom avistegninger av Finn Graff og Saul Steinberg med kognitiv metaforteori som hovedredskap
(CON-TEXT. Avhandling;35, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2008)Avhandlingen har to mål. Det ene er praktisk pedagogisk: Å bidra med ny kunnskap om hvordan man kan formulere abstrakte temaer med tegning. Til dette trenger man metaforer og symboler. Det andre målet er teoribyggende: Å ... -
Method development for the design of safety-critical systems
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;97, Doctoral thesis, 2019)A common field in academic research is the development and refinement of design methods with the aim of supporting professional design practice. As a result, design practitioners have a wide range of methods and tools at ... -
Navimation : a sociocultural exploration of kinetic interface design
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;48, Book; Doctoral thesis; Academic article, 2010)Digitale produkt er ein stadig viktigare del av kulturen vår og er knytte til aktivitetar i arbeid, leik og fritid. Mange av desse aktivitetane skjer gjennom skjermbaserte grensesnitt, som dermed spelar ei viktig rolle i ... -
Negotiating grasp : embodied experience with three-dimensional materials and the negotiation of meaning in early childhood education
(CON-TEXT / Thesis;50, Book; Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2011)Recent international acknowledgement of young children as competent active individuals raises questions about what their competences are, and what significance embodiment has for their learning. This thesis has two primary ... -
On Sacred Architecture and the Dzongs of Bhutan. Tradition and Transition in the Architectural History of the Himalayas
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;13, Doctoral thesis, 2003)This thesis contributes with new insight and knowledge on the architectural traditions in Bhutan and the Himalayas, and also discusses questions relevant to architectural theory and history. In Bhutan the traditional society ... -
Our way or the highway? : a study of the reframing of transformed road transportation infrastructure in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region.
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;87, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017)The Global South is experiencing unprecedented road infrastructure transformations accompanied by foreseen and unforeseen effects on everyday life. What are the characteristics of these transformations and what are their ... -
The perforated landscape : a study on contested prospects in Sápmi
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;106, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Mineral prospecting perforate landscapes both physically and discursively. Bringing landscape theory in conversation with critical cartography this monograph emphasis the landscape dimension in interrelated research fields ... -
Pockets and cities : investegating and revealing the networked city through interaction design
(CON-TEXT, PhD thesis;74, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2015)This thesis is about investigating and revealing the networked city through interaction design. The ‘networked city’ describes the interweaving of digital, networked technologies with the urban landscape and everyday city ... -
Public art : urban learning
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;90, Doctoral thesis, 2017)This thesis is about the role of public art in the urban redevelopment of Bjørvika on the seaside of Oslo. The cultural-led approach to the area transformation has occasioned a public art programme embedded in the redevelopment ... -
Refashioning Service Design : Designing for popular cultural service experience
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;109, Doctoral thesis, 2021-04)Services are becoming ever more present in our everyday lives and cultural lifestyles, enabling new practices and shaping new values. In the entanglement of people, experiences, interactions, products, technology and media ... -
Reframing wood construction : innovation in architecture through activating material properties with the use of digital technologies
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;105, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Reframing Wood Construction. Innovation in architecture through activating material properties with the use of digital technologies. This thesis focuses on the relationships between material-centred design, digital ... -
Refuturing studies: rehumanizing futures through/by design
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;121, Doctoral thesis, 2023)With the onset of climate and ecological breakdown, organized human life faces a precarious present and an even bleaker future. The sixth IPCC report (2021-2022) states that the window for drastic climate action is closing ... -
Room for children's participation?: reflections on communicative practice in an educational context
(CON-TEXT;Thesis; 31, Doctoral thesis, 2007)The thesis title asks if there is room for children to participate in matters concerning the built environment. The concept "room" in the title, has three different meanings; the physical room referring to the public place ... -
Service design in the later phases : exploring user insights, handovers, and service design roadmapping in the transition from service concept to implemented service
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis; 101, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Human-centricity and user involvement have become increasingly emphasized in Norwegian legislation related to service development in the health and public sectors. At the same time, service design has emerged as a relevant ... -
Simulation and design
(CON-TEXT. PhD thesis;78, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this thesis, I investigate the use of simulation, game engines and real-time interaction in user-centred design for the maritime sector. In this sector, users are involved in complex safety critical operations carried ...